What is a good career path for a 7th grade special education teacher with a master's degree?
I have no desire to further my career at the high school level. I would really like to get into some type of professional job (financial aid office, recruiting etc.) at a community college, but I'm not sure how to go about doing so. Also, I'm afraid to take a pay cut. I have a bachelor's degree in Business Administration and an Alternative Master's in Special Education. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You may want to look into Non Profits. Here's why I say it. 1. You are good with people. 2. You have the masters in Special Ed which should open doors there. Beware - you may see a pay cut as these are generally Federally sponsored jobs. Check out http://Hired911.com and search for Non Profit jobs - or use the keywords: "Special Education" Masters degree... but they may be more "teaching oriented." One last thought is doing Education in a Professional field, corporate training. You may need to be skilled in Education Building tools to enter that field.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
What kind of work can I do with degree in Psychology/Education
What kind of work can I do with degree in Psychology/Education?
I have a BS in Psychology, with minor in Education, Masters in Childhood Education, and MAsters in School Leadership. I have been a teacher for the past 10 years and never felt the need for a change, but I'm thinking maybe in a few years. Are there any other fields besides education that I could use my skills and degrees in. Thanks!
Psychology - 1 Answers
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Consider a career in School Psychology or Counseling Psychology. Both will likely require a doctoral degree in psychology from an APA accredited university. Consider talking to an admissions counselor at a local state university for more information.
I have a BS in Psychology, with minor in Education, Masters in Childhood Education, and MAsters in School Leadership. I have been a teacher for the past 10 years and never felt the need for a change, but I'm thinking maybe in a few years. Are there any other fields besides education that I could use my skills and degrees in. Thanks!
Psychology - 1 Answers
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Consider a career in School Psychology or Counseling Psychology. Both will likely require a doctoral degree in psychology from an APA accredited university. Consider talking to an admissions counselor at a local state university for more information.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Do I have to get a Master Degree in Secondary Education and Teaching
Do I have to get a Master Degree in Secondary Education and Teaching?
I heard that teachers are having to get higher degrees to really have a chance at getting hired. I was going to just get a Bachelor degree but I heard the Master would be better. Is that true?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I am in school now finishing up my senior year in early childhood/special education. It is always good to go as far as you can because the higher your degree the higher your salary. I plan on getting my masters in education. Im not sure which field I want to go into but I am going to find a program that will benefit me in the long run. I think employers do consider how much of an education you have when they are hiring though.
I heard that teachers are having to get higher degrees to really have a chance at getting hired. I was going to just get a Bachelor degree but I heard the Master would be better. Is that true?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I am in school now finishing up my senior year in early childhood/special education. It is always good to go as far as you can because the higher your degree the higher your salary. I plan on getting my masters in education. Im not sure which field I want to go into but I am going to find a program that will benefit me in the long run. I think employers do consider how much of an education you have when they are hiring though.
Monday, October 1, 2012
What are the best colleges for graduate (Master's) education in political science
What are the best colleges for graduate (Master's) education in political science?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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U.C Berkeley an
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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U.C Berkeley an
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Is it necessary to get a master's in education to teach K12 in New Mexico
Is it necessary to get a master's in education to teach K12 in New Mexico?
University of Phoenix has been calling me to commit to a two year program that they say will give me a master's in education and a big advantage over other people, I already have a master's in biology.
Teaching - 3 Answers
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If you are already a biology teacher another masters will not help you. If you are not a certified or licensed teacher and this degree will give you teaching certification AND the masters, it may be worth it. Call the NM dept of education and ask. Their answer will be your truth.
I graduated from UOP's education master's program (curriculum and instruction). As I interpret your answer, you are wanting to teach in New Mexico and currently have a master's in biology but no degree in education? If you have no education degree, you cannot get a teaching certification to teach K-12 level students. So regardless of what degree you hold, you cannot teach in elementary, middle, or high school without an education degree and pass a certification test. If that's the case, then I would recommend UOP's master program. However, you probably could get a job teaching post-secondary (college) in biology. If you already have a teaching degree and certification and a master's in biology, then having a master's in education makes you no better off than any other teacher with a masters.
NO, you do not need to get another master's, there are alternative routes to getting certified in New Mexico, with a post-baccalaureate alternative licensure program or a portfolio. "In either case, one may apply for an Internship License and begin teaching while completing the requirements for Alternative Licensure." New Mexico Public Education Department Pathways to Teaching http://www.teachnm.org/become_a_teacher.html Pathways to Alternative Licensure http://www.teachnm.org/alternative_licensure.html The New Mexico Transition To Teaching program provides support through the porfolio process: http://www.teachnm.org/t2t_about.html If you choose to go through a licensure program, here is the list of approved alternative licensure programs in New Mexico: http://www.teachnm.org/bachelor_teacher_prep.html Are you planning to teach biology? If so, science and math teachers are in high demand. Experience (work and/or teaching) will be your advantage, not a degree from UoP. Good luck.
University of Phoenix has been calling me to commit to a two year program that they say will give me a master's in education and a big advantage over other people, I already have a master's in biology.
Teaching - 3 Answers
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If you are already a biology teacher another masters will not help you. If you are not a certified or licensed teacher and this degree will give you teaching certification AND the masters, it may be worth it. Call the NM dept of education and ask. Their answer will be your truth.
I graduated from UOP's education master's program (curriculum and instruction). As I interpret your answer, you are wanting to teach in New Mexico and currently have a master's in biology but no degree in education? If you have no education degree, you cannot get a teaching certification to teach K-12 level students. So regardless of what degree you hold, you cannot teach in elementary, middle, or high school without an education degree and pass a certification test. If that's the case, then I would recommend UOP's master program. However, you probably could get a job teaching post-secondary (college) in biology. If you already have a teaching degree and certification and a master's in biology, then having a master's in education makes you no better off than any other teacher with a masters.
NO, you do not need to get another master's, there are alternative routes to getting certified in New Mexico, with a post-baccalaureate alternative licensure program or a portfolio. "In either case, one may apply for an Internship License and begin teaching while completing the requirements for Alternative Licensure." New Mexico Public Education Department Pathways to Teaching http://www.teachnm.org/become_a_teacher.html Pathways to Alternative Licensure http://www.teachnm.org/alternative_licensure.html The New Mexico Transition To Teaching program provides support through the porfolio process: http://www.teachnm.org/t2t_about.html If you choose to go through a licensure program, here is the list of approved alternative licensure programs in New Mexico: http://www.teachnm.org/bachelor_teacher_prep.html Are you planning to teach biology? If so, science and math teachers are in high demand. Experience (work and/or teaching) will be your advantage, not a degree from UoP. Good luck.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I'm looking to continuing my education (master's degree with a doctoral degree) in SPOTS SCINCE
I'm looking to continuing my education (master's degree with a doctoral degree) in SPOTS SCINCE,?
I'm graduate in 2006, and I have BSc in Sport Rehabilitation from Hashemite University in JORDAN. Would you please, do you know which country in which country in this world has a free or cheap university teaching in English with good quality for studying Sport training and exercise Rehabilitation? I donĂ¢€™t mind to study and work ,as my experience of a wide variety of sport training techniques such as (Sport training & exercise Rehabilitation, Evaluation Test, Aerobic , Swimming, gymnastics , Exercise Physiologist, Sport &doping ..)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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I think your question is which country would have cheap universities for studying sports science while teaching in English... I'm not sure on that, but I'll give it a shot. You can always try the U.S.A., because many universities will be surprisingly affordable after you apply for financial aid. Many universities encourage foreign students to apply because they love to be regarded as a culturally broad institution. It might not be free, but you never know. I would definitely pick out a few programs in the U.S. and apply there.
thats fun!
I'm graduate in 2006, and I have BSc in Sport Rehabilitation from Hashemite University in JORDAN. Would you please, do you know which country in which country in this world has a free or cheap university teaching in English with good quality for studying Sport training and exercise Rehabilitation? I donĂ¢€™t mind to study and work ,as my experience of a wide variety of sport training techniques such as (Sport training & exercise Rehabilitation, Evaluation Test, Aerobic , Swimming, gymnastics , Exercise Physiologist, Sport &doping ..)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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I think your question is which country would have cheap universities for studying sports science while teaching in English... I'm not sure on that, but I'll give it a shot. You can always try the U.S.A., because many universities will be surprisingly affordable after you apply for financial aid. Many universities encourage foreign students to apply because they love to be regarded as a culturally broad institution. It might not be free, but you never know. I would definitely pick out a few programs in the U.S. and apply there.
thats fun!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
For most school districts do you need a masters in education to get the extra money
For most school districts do you need a masters in education to get the extra money?
I am thinking of teaching in another state. I have a Master's Degree but it's not in education. still, the district where i teach pays me extra for having a master's degree. Is that the case in most other districts?
Teaching - 7 Answers
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No, not necessarily, it may be the place where you are that is holding you back.
That is the case, there's a specific pay scale in every state that's based on the level of education that you have. Be careful because some states or districts won't hire teachers that they have to pay more, they prefer people who are fresh out of college because they can pay less. Unfortunately this is the case. I have several friends who are more than qualified to teach but were denied positions simply because they have masters degrees. As much as it sucks, that's just the case. One friend of mine was forced to Sub. teach in a county where they wouldn't hire her full time b/c of her Masters. She ended up being a sub who was overqualified for the position.
Yes, it is. I have a masters in a field close to mine and I get credit in school districts for it. Some schools may not, but I've never heard of one. Some may require an in state course, but since you've already been teaching with this master's, you shouldn't have any problems.
yes-plain and simple
Yes. At least the school districts I know in my state have salary scales that are in a grid construction. You travel down the grid for each year you have taught. You travel across the grid according to the degrees and college credits/clock hours of work you have. Each district has its own scale, but they are constructed the same way. Some districts may give you extra money at BS + 15 credits; others may wait until BS + 25 credits. But if you have a masters, you bypass the BS sections and move across to the MA or MS. The part I don't know is if the districts will accept your masters since it is not in education. It won't matter at the high school level, but it could make a difference in primary positions.
Not here in Texas! I have two masters and only get $1000 for the whole year BEFORE taxes. :-(
I am thinking of teaching in another state. I have a Master's Degree but it's not in education. still, the district where i teach pays me extra for having a master's degree. Is that the case in most other districts?
Teaching - 7 Answers
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No, not necessarily, it may be the place where you are that is holding you back.
That is the case, there's a specific pay scale in every state that's based on the level of education that you have. Be careful because some states or districts won't hire teachers that they have to pay more, they prefer people who are fresh out of college because they can pay less. Unfortunately this is the case. I have several friends who are more than qualified to teach but were denied positions simply because they have masters degrees. As much as it sucks, that's just the case. One friend of mine was forced to Sub. teach in a county where they wouldn't hire her full time b/c of her Masters. She ended up being a sub who was overqualified for the position.
Yes, it is. I have a masters in a field close to mine and I get credit in school districts for it. Some schools may not, but I've never heard of one. Some may require an in state course, but since you've already been teaching with this master's, you shouldn't have any problems.
yes-plain and simple
Yes. At least the school districts I know in my state have salary scales that are in a grid construction. You travel down the grid for each year you have taught. You travel across the grid according to the degrees and college credits/clock hours of work you have. Each district has its own scale, but they are constructed the same way. Some districts may give you extra money at BS + 15 credits; others may wait until BS + 25 credits. But if you have a masters, you bypass the BS sections and move across to the MA or MS. The part I don't know is if the districts will accept your masters since it is not in education. It won't matter at the high school level, but it could make a difference in primary positions.
Not here in Texas! I have two masters and only get $1000 for the whole year BEFORE taxes. :-(
Saturday, September 1, 2012
What Masters program will give me a better opportunity of getting a job in education
What Masters program will give me a better opportunity of getting a job in education?
I am about to start my masters in education. My undergrad was in communication. I am a male aged 25 years old. With just getting a masters in education without the licence what state would be the best place to get hired. I heard that i will struggle to get hired with the masters degree because it will cost them to much to hire me. Also what field would give me a greater chance to get hired? i hear a male with a elementary education masters would be the best option. Any info would be greatly aperciated
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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No matter what state you choose to work in, if you are not licensed to teach, you will have to either go back to school to get licensed, or complete what is called an "alternative certification program" through your school district. If you choose to get your Master's without a license and do alternative certification, I recommend one of the southern states, or a large urban area. Those places need teachers the most and are more likely to hire you and let you earn your qualifications as you work. Elementary education majors are needed in many states. Some other high-needs areas are secondary math and science, bilingual/TESL education at any level, reading specialists and special education.
I am about to start my masters in education. My undergrad was in communication. I am a male aged 25 years old. With just getting a masters in education without the licence what state would be the best place to get hired. I heard that i will struggle to get hired with the masters degree because it will cost them to much to hire me. Also what field would give me a greater chance to get hired? i hear a male with a elementary education masters would be the best option. Any info would be greatly aperciated
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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No matter what state you choose to work in, if you are not licensed to teach, you will have to either go back to school to get licensed, or complete what is called an "alternative certification program" through your school district. If you choose to get your Master's without a license and do alternative certification, I recommend one of the southern states, or a large urban area. Those places need teachers the most and are more likely to hire you and let you earn your qualifications as you work. Elementary education majors are needed in many states. Some other high-needs areas are secondary math and science, bilingual/TESL education at any level, reading specialists and special education.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Should I pursue a master's in education right after completing my undergraduate cert in Special Ed, or wait
Should I pursue a master's in education right after completing my undergraduate cert in Special Ed, or wait?
I would like to pay off my student loans first, but I would also like the increase in salary that comes with a master's. Any thoughts?
Teaching - 2 Answers
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I suggest you do it right away. The units you earn will place you higher on the pay scale, and most districts also give a yearly bonus to teachers with an MA. I worked it out for myself, and the master's paid for itself in a few years. Each year, it increases with your experience level. Also, since you're already in that "student mode" you may as well continue the momentum. Later, you might face unforeseen obstacles that prevent you from returning to get your degree. Sincerely, Wm.
If you dont need to work after you receive your BA, continue for another 2 years. Get it out of the way because once you stop being a student, life takes over and you may never return. Months become years, marraige becomes family, and on and on . Being a student AFTER work, with children isnt fun. However, Ive worked for 2 school districts in texas and MA.'s only receive $1500 a yr more than a teacher with a bachelors degree. 90% accumulated a minimum of $12,0000 more in loans and are still paying for that masters after 10 + years teaching while making $ 1500 more. It worked though for the guy that answered earlier. Also, several teachers leave the field in 5 or so years. Its a gamble. Good luck
I would like to pay off my student loans first, but I would also like the increase in salary that comes with a master's. Any thoughts?
Teaching - 2 Answers
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I suggest you do it right away. The units you earn will place you higher on the pay scale, and most districts also give a yearly bonus to teachers with an MA. I worked it out for myself, and the master's paid for itself in a few years. Each year, it increases with your experience level. Also, since you're already in that "student mode" you may as well continue the momentum. Later, you might face unforeseen obstacles that prevent you from returning to get your degree. Sincerely, Wm.
If you dont need to work after you receive your BA, continue for another 2 years. Get it out of the way because once you stop being a student, life takes over and you may never return. Months become years, marraige becomes family, and on and on . Being a student AFTER work, with children isnt fun. However, Ive worked for 2 school districts in texas and MA.'s only receive $1500 a yr more than a teacher with a bachelors degree. 90% accumulated a minimum of $12,0000 more in loans and are still paying for that masters after 10 + years teaching while making $ 1500 more. It worked though for the guy that answered earlier. Also, several teachers leave the field in 5 or so years. Its a gamble. Good luck
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Where can I obtain a reputable Master's Degree in Education Online
Where can I obtain a reputable Master's Degree in Education Online?
I have my B.S.C. in English and Film and I also have my Professional Teaching Certificate for English 6-12. I would like to get my Master's Degree in Education, however, I'm so busy I would really prefer to have the flexibility of an online program. I keep finding schools that are not accredited or their accreditation is flimsy. Does anyone know of a good online school for a Master's in Education? Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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There are many websites that offer online degree in the education. But there are few that are legit. One site that I know that can help you. Go to http://www.thedegreeexperts.com/dg-education-99.aspx and select whichever college that you suits you. Colleges listed here are legit and are one of the best. This will surely help you.
For those busy with their current routine and canĂ¢€™t spare time for regular course, online education is the best option to choose to advance academically. There are various universities offering online degrees but all are not legitimate. Here http://www.thedegreeexperts.com/dg-education-99.aspx you can get the list of various specializations available in the field of education at top ranked accredited US universities. Choose the one that suits you best and get enrolled into it through this website.
Hi Apryl, Check out www.onlinedegreereviews.org/ and compare the schools you're considering - it's a great site and a great tool. Have you looked at American Public University? APU is regionally and nationally accredited and offers a Masters in Education; it's a great program. Here's a link to the School of Education: http://www.apu.apus.edu/academic/programs/school/apuedu/education Here's a link to APU on Facebook (the students are very active and supportive, and will likely be happy to talk to you about their experiences): http://www.facebook.com/AmericanPublicU Good luck in your decision and in your future schooling! Please let me know if there's anything I can help you with, Nicole nendres@apus.edu
Your best bet is to go with a regionally accredited ground school that now has an online program. For instance, you can earn an online M.Ed. from a number of state schools that have moved programs online. Check your state university systems. There are also some regionally accredited private schools with online M.Ed. programs, like American InterContinental University Online (AIU Online). If you live near a ground campus, you may also be able to take a degree via hybrid learning (a mix of online and on-ground courses).
I have my B.S.C. in English and Film and I also have my Professional Teaching Certificate for English 6-12. I would like to get my Master's Degree in Education, however, I'm so busy I would really prefer to have the flexibility of an online program. I keep finding schools that are not accredited or their accreditation is flimsy. Does anyone know of a good online school for a Master's in Education? Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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There are many websites that offer online degree in the education. But there are few that are legit. One site that I know that can help you. Go to http://www.thedegreeexperts.com/dg-education-99.aspx and select whichever college that you suits you. Colleges listed here are legit and are one of the best. This will surely help you.
For those busy with their current routine and canĂ¢€™t spare time for regular course, online education is the best option to choose to advance academically. There are various universities offering online degrees but all are not legitimate. Here http://www.thedegreeexperts.com/dg-education-99.aspx you can get the list of various specializations available in the field of education at top ranked accredited US universities. Choose the one that suits you best and get enrolled into it through this website.
Hi Apryl, Check out www.onlinedegreereviews.org/ and compare the schools you're considering - it's a great site and a great tool. Have you looked at American Public University? APU is regionally and nationally accredited and offers a Masters in Education; it's a great program. Here's a link to the School of Education: http://www.apu.apus.edu/academic/programs/school/apuedu/education Here's a link to APU on Facebook (the students are very active and supportive, and will likely be happy to talk to you about their experiences): http://www.facebook.com/AmericanPublicU Good luck in your decision and in your future schooling! Please let me know if there's anything I can help you with, Nicole nendres@apus.edu
Your best bet is to go with a regionally accredited ground school that now has an online program. For instance, you can earn an online M.Ed. from a number of state schools that have moved programs online. Check your state university systems. There are also some regionally accredited private schools with online M.Ed. programs, like American InterContinental University Online (AIU Online). If you live near a ground campus, you may also be able to take a degree via hybrid learning (a mix of online and on-ground courses).
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
What is the starting salary for a special education teacher in New Jersey (NJ)
What is the starting salary for a special education teacher in New Jersey (NJ) ?
I am currently in a master in education with teacher certification and special education endorsement at Georgian Court University. I want to know if anyone knows what the starting salary of a special ed teacher in NJ is? Comments from special ed teachers are greatly appreciated.
Special Education - 1 Answers
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you can actually look up salaries on nj.com look for the By The Numbers Section-- also NJEA has a CD with salary ranges for all districts in the state---the convention is coming up in November in Atlantic City--you can pick one up there--they may send you one... if you are a (student) NJEA member-you may still be able toaccess it on their website generally for public school starting is from low to mid 30s to low to mid 40s...private schools tend to be a little less
I am currently in a master in education with teacher certification and special education endorsement at Georgian Court University. I want to know if anyone knows what the starting salary of a special ed teacher in NJ is? Comments from special ed teachers are greatly appreciated.
Special Education - 1 Answers
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you can actually look up salaries on nj.com look for the By The Numbers Section-- also NJEA has a CD with salary ranges for all districts in the state---the convention is coming up in November in Atlantic City--you can pick one up there--they may send you one... if you are a (student) NJEA member-you may still be able toaccess it on their website generally for public school starting is from low to mid 30s to low to mid 40s...private schools tend to be a little less
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
How many credits to take to study Master in Curriculum & Instruction at UTM
How many credits to take to study Master in Curriculum & Instruction at UTM?
How many credits to take to complete the Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction at the Faculty of Education, UTM?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You need to take 40 credits.
How many credits to take to complete the Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction at the Faculty of Education, UTM?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You need to take 40 credits.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
what's a better field for my master's education or social work and why
what's a better field for my master's education or social work and why?
i want something that is secure. i actually like both. in a year and a half i'll be done with my bachelor's. i'm a sociology major, psychology and religion minor. i like education and social work. i want to know which field you like more, and why? thanks.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Better is really a relative thing as it depends on personal perspective. Both have pros and cons. Education: Pro - 10 month contracts (get the summer off). Opportunity to work long term with clients. Con - large class sizes, standardized curriculum, bureaucracy Social work Pro- lots of varied places and populations you could work with. Opportunity to work in private practice Con - often have limited contact (depending on where you work); bureaucracy DA
i want something that is secure. i actually like both. in a year and a half i'll be done with my bachelor's. i'm a sociology major, psychology and religion minor. i like education and social work. i want to know which field you like more, and why? thanks.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Better is really a relative thing as it depends on personal perspective. Both have pros and cons. Education: Pro - 10 month contracts (get the summer off). Opportunity to work long term with clients. Con - large class sizes, standardized curriculum, bureaucracy Social work Pro- lots of varied places and populations you could work with. Opportunity to work in private practice Con - often have limited contact (depending on where you work); bureaucracy DA
Sunday, July 15, 2012
What's the best MA school that offers a Masters Degree program in Special Education
What's the best MA school that offers a Masters Degree program in Special Education?
Which Boston school has the best Special Education masters program- Lesley , UMASS, etc? I want to be a Special ed teacher.. Is there plenty of finacial aid out there? I work 2 jobs, my checking account is almost empty, and my credit is not great..... Is Cambridge College very expensive?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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check google.com seach for that u'll get it
Cambridge College...it is one of the best for working professionals, its reputation is well known and has some excellent professors...
Which Boston school has the best Special Education masters program- Lesley , UMASS, etc? I want to be a Special ed teacher.. Is there plenty of finacial aid out there? I work 2 jobs, my checking account is almost empty, and my credit is not great..... Is Cambridge College very expensive?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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check google.com seach for that u'll get it
Cambridge College...it is one of the best for working professionals, its reputation is well known and has some excellent professors...
Sunday, July 8, 2012
University of Sydney Master's of Education (research) feedback
University of Sydney Master's of Education (research) feedback?
Does anyone have feedback on masters of education (research) degree at the University of Sydney or just their postgraduate department of education in general? I am an American with little research experience. It is a good program, with decent faculty support, challenging, what are other students like, do many go on to PhDĂ¢€™s with funding? Any feedback or tips would be much appreciated! Thank you!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Does anyone have feedback on masters of education (research) degree at the University of Sydney or just their postgraduate department of education in general? I am an American with little research experience. It is a good program, with decent faculty support, challenging, what are other students like, do many go on to PhDĂ¢€™s with funding? Any feedback or tips would be much appreciated! Thank you!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Sunday, July 1, 2012
What's the difference between a teaching credential and a Master's in Education
What's the difference between a teaching credential and a Master's in Education?
I'm planning on applying for a teaching credential program but I'm debating whether or not I should get a M.S. in Education instead. What is the difference between the two?
Teaching - 4 Answers
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Teacher colleges teach students to teach. The awarded degree becomes a credential certifying that the bearer knows how to teach. An MA in Education is just that. Teachers pursue one after earning a BA in teaching. Administrators will often get jobs using the MA to meet knowledge requirements. Read the school catalog and talk with an admissions officer about your plans.
You need to have a teaching credential in order to teach legally in most schools; a master's will not, on its own, do the job. Although some M.Ed or M.S. programs will include getting the credential as part of the program, not all do. When you speak to a counselor at the college which you want to attend, be sure to find out whether you will get a credential as part of the program. If not, and if what you really want to do is teach, you'll need to find a different program.
a credential allows you to teach, a masters does not. a credential is the name we call the state aproved requirements to teach. A masters is usually a research based education degree - which on its own does not have the methods and curriculum courses designed to meet state requirements. (now some colleges offer blended programs which do..but be very careful...you wouldnt want to go through it all to find out you are not qualified...) Usually the masters are in place to allow teachers (already with their credential) to earn further units to increase their standing on the pay matrix.
You can have a Master in Ed. and not be able to teach in a public school. A credential program certifies you to teach in the USA State.
I'm planning on applying for a teaching credential program but I'm debating whether or not I should get a M.S. in Education instead. What is the difference between the two?
Teaching - 4 Answers
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Teacher colleges teach students to teach. The awarded degree becomes a credential certifying that the bearer knows how to teach. An MA in Education is just that. Teachers pursue one after earning a BA in teaching. Administrators will often get jobs using the MA to meet knowledge requirements. Read the school catalog and talk with an admissions officer about your plans.
You need to have a teaching credential in order to teach legally in most schools; a master's will not, on its own, do the job. Although some M.Ed or M.S. programs will include getting the credential as part of the program, not all do. When you speak to a counselor at the college which you want to attend, be sure to find out whether you will get a credential as part of the program. If not, and if what you really want to do is teach, you'll need to find a different program.
a credential allows you to teach, a masters does not. a credential is the name we call the state aproved requirements to teach. A masters is usually a research based education degree - which on its own does not have the methods and curriculum courses designed to meet state requirements. (now some colleges offer blended programs which do..but be very careful...you wouldnt want to go through it all to find out you are not qualified...) Usually the masters are in place to allow teachers (already with their credential) to earn further units to increase their standing on the pay matrix.
You can have a Master in Ed. and not be able to teach in a public school. A credential program certifies you to teach in the USA State.
Friday, June 22, 2012
What is the most lucrative Career Available in Education? Maybe one that includes travel
What is the most lucrative Career Available in Education? Maybe one that includes travel?
I have a Master in Education, a post grad in Multimedia, and 20 years experience as a school president, dean, program chair, etc. I am looking for a cool job outside of the school house that may include travel. Anyone have any suggestions of What is the most lucrative Career Available in Education? Maybe one that includes travel?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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Go join The Peace Corps! I can tell you more!
Teaching English as a second language in asian countries, if you're interested in travel. But you have to do a full year or two, depending on your contract.
I have a Master in Education, a post grad in Multimedia, and 20 years experience as a school president, dean, program chair, etc. I am looking for a cool job outside of the school house that may include travel. Anyone have any suggestions of What is the most lucrative Career Available in Education? Maybe one that includes travel?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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Go join The Peace Corps! I can tell you more!
Teaching English as a second language in asian countries, if you're interested in travel. But you have to do a full year or two, depending on your contract.
Friday, June 15, 2012
What's a fun university where I can get a Master's in Education
What's a fun university where I can get a Master's in Education?
I have a BA in psychology but I am long-term subbing as a teacher. I need to get my master's iin education somewhere (probably in early childhood) and I'd like to go where the atmosphere is a good place to learn and the area is nice, too. I'm not looking into getting a degree in educational psychology, but education rather. I want to teach in the classroom, so it would be in curriculum and instruction.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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University of Oklahoma - I'm in the Educational Psychology Master's Program. It's a great school with a great facilities.
Birmingham City University.
University of Connecticut.
Caluniversity online university of technology
I have a BA in psychology but I am long-term subbing as a teacher. I need to get my master's iin education somewhere (probably in early childhood) and I'd like to go where the atmosphere is a good place to learn and the area is nice, too. I'm not looking into getting a degree in educational psychology, but education rather. I want to teach in the classroom, so it would be in curriculum and instruction.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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University of Oklahoma - I'm in the Educational Psychology Master's Program. It's a great school with a great facilities.
Birmingham City University.
University of Connecticut.
Caluniversity online university of technology
Friday, June 8, 2012
Is there a website that lists all colleges and universities in NYC that offer master degrees in education
Is there a website that lists all colleges and universities in NYC that offer master degrees in education?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I'm not sure there is a website that does exactly that, but there is a national source - http://www.petersons.com You can search by major and by metro area. When I picked "education" as a major, it asked if I was really interested in Adult Education or Art Education or on and on (more than 20 choices). I did a quick search and came up with 43 or so schools in the NYC metro area.
College and University.net http://www.synthebyte.com/affredir.cfm?bid=1331
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I'm not sure there is a website that does exactly that, but there is a national source - http://www.petersons.com You can search by major and by metro area. When I picked "education" as a major, it asked if I was really interested in Adult Education or Art Education or on and on (more than 20 choices). I did a quick search and came up with 43 or so schools in the NYC metro area.
College and University.net http://www.synthebyte.com/affredir.cfm?bid=1331
Friday, June 1, 2012
Do you have to have a master's in education in order to pursue a phd in education
Do you have to have a master's in education in order to pursue a phd in education?
For example: I have a masters in communication but I'm looking to get a phd in education.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You have to fulfill the specific school's pre requisites which may include education classes. Check with your school of interest's requirements. It depends what area of education as well. Ball State is a pretty popular/generic university for education to give you an idea of education degrees. Side Note: I'm assuming you have experience working in higher education or student development or have worked in administration at a school which has spurred your interest in seeking a doctorate in education. If not, that would be another obstacle and cause contemplation as to why you want to all of the sudden get into education. If you have no experience working in education, you may need to start at the master's level.
For example: I have a masters in communication but I'm looking to get a phd in education.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You have to fulfill the specific school's pre requisites which may include education classes. Check with your school of interest's requirements. It depends what area of education as well. Ball State is a pretty popular/generic university for education to give you an idea of education degrees. Side Note: I'm assuming you have experience working in higher education or student development or have worked in administration at a school which has spurred your interest in seeking a doctorate in education. If not, that would be another obstacle and cause contemplation as to why you want to all of the sudden get into education. If you have no experience working in education, you may need to start at the master's level.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Education/Master degree
Education/Master degree?
Hello, I have a bachelor of science in comp sci / minor in english. For the last few years I have held positions in a university and now a high school district. I plan to continue to work in academia. But, i am having a hard time trying to figure out what to get my master in. i no longer want to do technology. And, i do not want to teach. I like the administrational positions. currently have a managment position at a district office. what should i get my master in?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Depending on your location there may be some limitations as far as what Master's programs are available. But all things being equal to me it's a matter of "Why do you like administration over the classroom?" If you know the answer to that, then you should be able to figure out which way to go. Personally, if I was in your situation, I would get an MBA because that will help you should you leave the education field.
Hello, I have a bachelor of science in comp sci / minor in english. For the last few years I have held positions in a university and now a high school district. I plan to continue to work in academia. But, i am having a hard time trying to figure out what to get my master in. i no longer want to do technology. And, i do not want to teach. I like the administrational positions. currently have a managment position at a district office. what should i get my master in?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Depending on your location there may be some limitations as far as what Master's programs are available. But all things being equal to me it's a matter of "Why do you like administration over the classroom?" If you know the answer to that, then you should be able to figure out which way to go. Personally, if I was in your situation, I would get an MBA because that will help you should you leave the education field.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Is it possible to win a studio assistance-ship as a music education masters student rather than performance
Is it possible to win a studio assistance-ship as a music education masters student rather than performance?
I'm looking for a tuba assistance-ship, but I would prefer to get my masters in music education.
Performing Arts - 1 Answers
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Ask the school.
I'm looking for a tuba assistance-ship, but I would prefer to get my masters in music education.
Performing Arts - 1 Answers
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Ask the school.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
I am a teacher with a masters education. How do i become a project manager? In any field
I am a teacher with a masters education. How do i become a project manager? In any field?
Basically a job that makes more $$$. I am in Marietta, GA
Teaching - 3 Answers
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well you can be a super intendant but nothing else. that's why education is such an easy major to graduate with. it pays nothing. go back to school. professors make a lot of money.
Become a consultant. Go back to school and get a degree in a difficult subject.
Basically a job that makes more $$$. I am in Marietta, GA
Teaching - 3 Answers
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well you can be a super intendant but nothing else. that's why education is such an easy major to graduate with. it pays nothing. go back to school. professors make a lot of money.
Become a consultant. Go back to school and get a degree in a difficult subject.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
If I have a bachelors in Business Management, and choose to get a Masters in Education, can I teach with that
If I have a bachelors in Business Management, and choose to get a Masters in Education, can I teach with that?
I am interested in taking my masters in education. I will have my bachelors in business management in the next year. If I were to pursue education, will I be able to get a job teaching with a masterĂ¢€™s in education but no bachelors in education previous to that?
Teaching - 2 Answers
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Every state is a little bit different, but basically the answer is yes. I have a bachelor's degree in business administration and I am enrolled in an alternative certification program. Through this process, I still have to take classes, but was able to become certified and begin teaching before I finished the classes. Many people pursue a master's degree in something unrelated to their bachelor's degree, so it's not at all uncommon. You can still get a teaching job if your bachelor's is not related to education and the master's degree will make you more desirable than someone with a bachelor's. The only problem is you may struggle more in the classes since you may not have been taught the basics, but you should still do fine. Good luck!
If you don't mind me suggesting it, there are some "alternate" routes to teaching that are as short as 5 weeks, and get you into a classroom next year. You usually then have to continue on for you Master's degree in Education over your first few years of teaching. And you'll have to be in a poorer school district that is participating. Teach for America is one such program, but it's volunteer (which at least is better than not getting paid and paying for grad school)... There was another one mentioned in the Time magazine article I read last week. About 50% of teachers leave the profession (statistically speaking) within 3 years, so you may be better off taking one of these routes to see if you can and want to teach. (interestingly the statistic is the same, 50% for all regular and alternative certification paths, except TFA, which is lower because of the "volunteer" nature of the candidates) In the Time article they followed 3 new teachers in Memphis. 2 were successful, one whose first career (and degrees) was in Social Work (big surprise, lol), and one who had been a banker. The 3rd was overwhelmed and considering leaving the profession. She had been a military officer before trying her hand at teaching. edit: My Bachelor's degree was a B.S.Ed, and I was still overwhelmed that first year. This is why I'm a big proponent of these alternative certifications. If I'd of decided teaching wasn't for me (I almost did after that first year, but had great success my second year... I guess it just took a year to get a hang of everything for me) I'd of had an Education degree trying to find a job as a banker, or sales manager or something. Since the statistics say 50% will drop out, whether their Bachelor's is in Education, or in another subject like Finance, Engineering, or Pharmacy. . . I tell young kids just to get a degree in something they're passionate about, and do an alternative certification. You may as well have a "fall back" option, with the low success rates of first year teachers.
I am interested in taking my masters in education. I will have my bachelors in business management in the next year. If I were to pursue education, will I be able to get a job teaching with a masterĂ¢€™s in education but no bachelors in education previous to that?
Teaching - 2 Answers
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Every state is a little bit different, but basically the answer is yes. I have a bachelor's degree in business administration and I am enrolled in an alternative certification program. Through this process, I still have to take classes, but was able to become certified and begin teaching before I finished the classes. Many people pursue a master's degree in something unrelated to their bachelor's degree, so it's not at all uncommon. You can still get a teaching job if your bachelor's is not related to education and the master's degree will make you more desirable than someone with a bachelor's. The only problem is you may struggle more in the classes since you may not have been taught the basics, but you should still do fine. Good luck!
If you don't mind me suggesting it, there are some "alternate" routes to teaching that are as short as 5 weeks, and get you into a classroom next year. You usually then have to continue on for you Master's degree in Education over your first few years of teaching. And you'll have to be in a poorer school district that is participating. Teach for America is one such program, but it's volunteer (which at least is better than not getting paid and paying for grad school)... There was another one mentioned in the Time magazine article I read last week. About 50% of teachers leave the profession (statistically speaking) within 3 years, so you may be better off taking one of these routes to see if you can and want to teach. (interestingly the statistic is the same, 50% for all regular and alternative certification paths, except TFA, which is lower because of the "volunteer" nature of the candidates) In the Time article they followed 3 new teachers in Memphis. 2 were successful, one whose first career (and degrees) was in Social Work (big surprise, lol), and one who had been a banker. The 3rd was overwhelmed and considering leaving the profession. She had been a military officer before trying her hand at teaching. edit: My Bachelor's degree was a B.S.Ed, and I was still overwhelmed that first year. This is why I'm a big proponent of these alternative certifications. If I'd of decided teaching wasn't for me (I almost did after that first year, but had great success my second year... I guess it just took a year to get a hang of everything for me) I'd of had an Education degree trying to find a job as a banker, or sales manager or something. Since the statistics say 50% will drop out, whether their Bachelor's is in Education, or in another subject like Finance, Engineering, or Pharmacy. . . I tell young kids just to get a degree in something they're passionate about, and do an alternative certification. You may as well have a "fall back" option, with the low success rates of first year teachers.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
can i have some proposed thesis titles for master in education studies
can i have some proposed thesis titles for master in education studies?
it has to be in line with education
Teaching - 3 Answers
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You are in Education, are wanting to work on a Master's Degree, and don't know what issues in education could use some researching and synthesis? Brrr..... that's scary.
Well, I would write it on what you think should be done to better education for children/students. How could you not know what to write about? I'm going for my bachelor's, and I've already ahd to write at least 5. But I would write it on what you fell, but back it up with facts.
C'mon people, let's be constructive.......poor lolit is just trying to get some help! I would suggest going from a general topic and then getting more and more specific. So, maybe your general topic is: Academic Achievement Then you read a few articles on the topic and see some that have looked at the relationship between academic achievement and parental involvement--but with conflicting results! Then, you read a few articles on academic achievment and parental involvement, get an idea about what kind of research is being conducted, and maybe you see that nobody has compared the effects of parental involvement on student acheivement across races......so now we are getting more specific....race and the relationship between academic achievement parental involvement. Then, you remember that minority groups often have lower achievment than majority groups......hmmmm, now we are getting very specific......what about a study on the relationship between parental involvement and student achievement among African American or Hispanic students? Anyway, that is just an example, but the idea is to start with a general topic---a broad area you are interested in....then get more and more specific until you arrive at your specific study! Another good hint is to look at the end of published studies....they often have a paragraph or two on future research directions/unanswered questions (just as you will eventually have in your thesis)---these can be really good for generating ideas. Good luck!
it has to be in line with education
Teaching - 3 Answers
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You are in Education, are wanting to work on a Master's Degree, and don't know what issues in education could use some researching and synthesis? Brrr..... that's scary.
Well, I would write it on what you think should be done to better education for children/students. How could you not know what to write about? I'm going for my bachelor's, and I've already ahd to write at least 5. But I would write it on what you fell, but back it up with facts.
C'mon people, let's be constructive.......poor lolit is just trying to get some help! I would suggest going from a general topic and then getting more and more specific. So, maybe your general topic is: Academic Achievement Then you read a few articles on the topic and see some that have looked at the relationship between academic achievement and parental involvement--but with conflicting results! Then, you read a few articles on academic achievment and parental involvement, get an idea about what kind of research is being conducted, and maybe you see that nobody has compared the effects of parental involvement on student acheivement across races......so now we are getting more specific....race and the relationship between academic achievement parental involvement. Then, you remember that minority groups often have lower achievment than majority groups......hmmmm, now we are getting very specific......what about a study on the relationship between parental involvement and student achievement among African American or Hispanic students? Anyway, that is just an example, but the idea is to start with a general topic---a broad area you are interested in....then get more and more specific until you arrive at your specific study! Another good hint is to look at the end of published studies....they often have a paragraph or two on future research directions/unanswered questions (just as you will eventually have in your thesis)---these can be really good for generating ideas. Good luck!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
What can you do with a Master's Degree in Education
What can you do with a Master's Degree in Education?
I will soon have a bachelor's degree in Communication Disorders but would like to pursue my master's in Education. What will I be able to do with this degree?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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You'd be able to teach K-12 school. I'd suggest that you focus your specialities/certifications in an area that works naturally with your undergraduate degree, and teach in that area. I'm thinking special ed, bilingual, etc.
You can be a better teacher and perhaps move into school administration./
I will soon have a bachelor's degree in Communication Disorders but would like to pursue my master's in Education. What will I be able to do with this degree?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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You'd be able to teach K-12 school. I'd suggest that you focus your specialities/certifications in an area that works naturally with your undergraduate degree, and teach in that area. I'm thinking special ed, bilingual, etc.
You can be a better teacher and perhaps move into school administration./
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Should I get a Masters in education or sociology
Should I get a Masters in education or sociology?
I am currently getting my BA in social science with a concentration in education and I am thinking about a minor in sociology. So I would like to know what I should master in; education or sociology. I do plan on getting my phd in one or the other, but I don't know what would be the best option. I want to be able to be a professor at a college/university teaching sociology. All help would be greatly appreciated.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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sociology, especially with specifications with young or old. anything related to baby boomers will be a sure money maker. right now i am majoring in public realtions, but i plan to go to grad school for masters in public health administration so i can run a hospital. hollla!
In order to teach at a decent college or university, you will need a PhD in your field, which would be sociology. Don't bother with a degree in education, they are known for being pretty worthless because education graduate programs are notoriously easy to get into with very low requirements for admission. You might be able to teach community college or a very low-quality school with only a Master's, but if you want to teach at a good college/university just go get your PhD now.
I am currently getting my BA in social science with a concentration in education and I am thinking about a minor in sociology. So I would like to know what I should master in; education or sociology. I do plan on getting my phd in one or the other, but I don't know what would be the best option. I want to be able to be a professor at a college/university teaching sociology. All help would be greatly appreciated.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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sociology, especially with specifications with young or old. anything related to baby boomers will be a sure money maker. right now i am majoring in public realtions, but i plan to go to grad school for masters in public health administration so i can run a hospital. hollla!
In order to teach at a decent college or university, you will need a PhD in your field, which would be sociology. Don't bother with a degree in education, they are known for being pretty worthless because education graduate programs are notoriously easy to get into with very low requirements for admission. You might be able to teach community college or a very low-quality school with only a Master's, but if you want to teach at a good college/university just go get your PhD now.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Do you have to have a bachelor's in Education before you can get a Master's in that field
Do you have to have a bachelor's in Education before you can get a Master's in that field?
I have a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice and Social Work and I really would love to teach. Can I get a Master's in Education with this or would I have to start over and get a Bachelor's in Education first? Thanks Also, are there ANY online schools that are acceptable enough to get a job teaching high school or middle school?
Teaching - 4 Answers
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no you do not have to have a bachelors in education to be a secondary education teacher, you just need the masters in that field (new york state anyway)
You can usually go straight for your MA. You may need to take a pre-req or two, but you do not need a BA in education to do an MA (this is true for most fields). You do need to make sure that you pick up a teaching credential for your state - each state is different - Now many traditional brick and mortar schools will have online or distance options for their education program (they design programs for current teachers). Be careful of the major online schools (e.g. phoenix) which may not prepare you for state license. Since you have a BSW you might also consider doing an MSW with a focus on school social work. DA
I had a BA in a biology field prior to earning my masters in curriculum. So no, another BA is not necessary. about online schools: You will have to check with your state. Each state must approve of any program. One of the problems is that all states require a student teaching portion. Online schools often do not have a presence in the state to place you and give individual feedback that is needed in student teaching.
Your Bachelors and Masters do not have to match. To teach, you don't need a Master's, but rather teaching certification. Some programs combine the certification and Master's. If you do not have a Bachelor's in an education field, you may need to go back and get one, unless you want to teach Criminal Justice and Social Work. There are many online schools. My coworker got her credential through University of Phoenix. We live in CA.
I have a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice and Social Work and I really would love to teach. Can I get a Master's in Education with this or would I have to start over and get a Bachelor's in Education first? Thanks Also, are there ANY online schools that are acceptable enough to get a job teaching high school or middle school?
Teaching - 4 Answers
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no you do not have to have a bachelors in education to be a secondary education teacher, you just need the masters in that field (new york state anyway)
You can usually go straight for your MA. You may need to take a pre-req or two, but you do not need a BA in education to do an MA (this is true for most fields). You do need to make sure that you pick up a teaching credential for your state - each state is different - Now many traditional brick and mortar schools will have online or distance options for their education program (they design programs for current teachers). Be careful of the major online schools (e.g. phoenix) which may not prepare you for state license. Since you have a BSW you might also consider doing an MSW with a focus on school social work. DA
I had a BA in a biology field prior to earning my masters in curriculum. So no, another BA is not necessary. about online schools: You will have to check with your state. Each state must approve of any program. One of the problems is that all states require a student teaching portion. Online schools often do not have a presence in the state to place you and give individual feedback that is needed in student teaching.
Your Bachelors and Masters do not have to match. To teach, you don't need a Master's, but rather teaching certification. Some programs combine the certification and Master's. If you do not have a Bachelor's in an education field, you may need to go back and get one, unless you want to teach Criminal Justice and Social Work. There are many online schools. My coworker got her credential through University of Phoenix. We live in CA.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Is a Masters in Education degree easy to be obtained
Is a Masters in Education degree easy to be obtained?
I am currently live in NYC and I am currently finishing up my Masters in Education and Special Education degree. While doing the degree I really did not find it to be hard so I was wondering if it was the school I attend. I also found other people who completed their Masters in Education at other schools found it not to be challenging. I was wondering if a Master in Education on a whole is a easy degree to obtained? Thanks
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You did not specify if it is the MEd or the MSEd. No matter. Let me put it this way. Get credential, pass state licensing board exams, get job. get job to pay for SSA or PhD (the EdD is a waste of time) then get promoted. Simple. As long as your degree is accredited, dont worry about how 'easy' it was for you. I found my PhD in education to be easy (classes anyway) but some of my peers found it hard. maybe you just 'get it' quicker.
I am currently live in NYC and I am currently finishing up my Masters in Education and Special Education degree. While doing the degree I really did not find it to be hard so I was wondering if it was the school I attend. I also found other people who completed their Masters in Education at other schools found it not to be challenging. I was wondering if a Master in Education on a whole is a easy degree to obtained? Thanks
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You did not specify if it is the MEd or the MSEd. No matter. Let me put it this way. Get credential, pass state licensing board exams, get job. get job to pay for SSA or PhD (the EdD is a waste of time) then get promoted. Simple. As long as your degree is accredited, dont worry about how 'easy' it was for you. I found my PhD in education to be easy (classes anyway) but some of my peers found it hard. maybe you just 'get it' quicker.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
What to do with a Masters of Education in Counseling and Development
What to do with a Masters of Education in Counseling and Development?
I want to have a Master's Degree with Education in counseling and development, but i have to receive a bachelor's degree first. i am not completely sure what my major should be . any ideas??? im looking at winthrop university so they have a list of majors . please helpppp
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You are wise to realize that your choice of major will affect what you can do at the Master's level. If possible, contact a few universities which offer the Master's in counseling and development and find out what the entrance requirements are. Do they require a bachelor's in specific fields, or will they accept a wide range? Obviously, if most schools tell you that you will need a Bachelor's in sociology, for example, in order to get accepted into the Master's program you are interested in, then the choice has been made for you, and you start taking sociology classes. If, on the other hand, a wide variety of majors is accepted, then it would be wise to choose something you are curious about and give it a try. It is relatively simple to change your major in undergraduate school, as long as you don't wait too long or do it too often, so this is your opportunity to take a chance on something you are interested in.
I want to have a Master's Degree with Education in counseling and development, but i have to receive a bachelor's degree first. i am not completely sure what my major should be . any ideas??? im looking at winthrop university so they have a list of majors . please helpppp
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You are wise to realize that your choice of major will affect what you can do at the Master's level. If possible, contact a few universities which offer the Master's in counseling and development and find out what the entrance requirements are. Do they require a bachelor's in specific fields, or will they accept a wide range? Obviously, if most schools tell you that you will need a Bachelor's in sociology, for example, in order to get accepted into the Master's program you are interested in, then the choice has been made for you, and you start taking sociology classes. If, on the other hand, a wide variety of majors is accepted, then it would be wise to choose something you are curious about and give it a try. It is relatively simple to change your major in undergraduate school, as long as you don't wait too long or do it too often, so this is your opportunity to take a chance on something you are interested in.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
What should I get my master's degree in? I have a bachelor's degree in English Education
What should I get my master's degree in? I have a bachelor's degree in English Education ?
I don't want to master in English or Education but something in the education realm that will be higher than being a teacher.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Instructional Technology because that way you can improve technology for the learning process. Educational Psychology because you can study the behavior of teacher and learner in a learning environment. Communication Disorders because you can diagnose and treat a variety of hearing and speech disorders in children. Athletic Training of a well known university to help treat athletes with various injuries during a game.
I don't want to master in English or Education but something in the education realm that will be higher than being a teacher.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Instructional Technology because that way you can improve technology for the learning process. Educational Psychology because you can study the behavior of teacher and learner in a learning environment. Communication Disorders because you can diagnose and treat a variety of hearing and speech disorders in children. Athletic Training of a well known university to help treat athletes with various injuries during a game.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
From which university should I apply for my masters in education
From which university should I apply for my masters in education?
This is my fifth year of teaching (experience in K-2nd grades) and I have decided to go back for my master's in education. I live in Texas and would like to stay loyal to a brick and mortar school here who offers 100% online master's degree programs. Any suggestions?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Quite a few accredited online institutions offer your desired degree. Some of them are Capella University, Abilene Christian University, Walden University, George Washington Univeristy etc. You can find an entire list of such accredited online institutions and read their reviews at http://www.onlineedublog.com/ hope it helps!
This is my fifth year of teaching (experience in K-2nd grades) and I have decided to go back for my master's in education. I live in Texas and would like to stay loyal to a brick and mortar school here who offers 100% online master's degree programs. Any suggestions?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Quite a few accredited online institutions offer your desired degree. Some of them are Capella University, Abilene Christian University, Walden University, George Washington Univeristy etc. You can find an entire list of such accredited online institutions and read their reviews at http://www.onlineedublog.com/ hope it helps!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Questions about education and social work master's
Questions about education and social work master's?
I was a biology major, and switched to sociology, and am minoring in psychology. I hope to grab one more minor before I finish, religion. So I will have my Bachelor's in Sociology, minor in psychology and religion. I will be graduating with a 3.1-3.2. It would have been higher without biology dragging it down. I would have loved to have been a social work and education major, but it didn't work out that way. wasn't meant. I want to do social work and education. I was wondering is there a way I could double major, in social work and education. What jobs are open to me with just a sociology bachelor's? With a social work master's? Eventually if I took a break and wanted to be a middle or high school teacher, how many years of schooling would I need. What kind of degree? Just an education master's. I'm thinking of teaching either english or history, one day.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I'm assuming you are asking about a joint MSW/Med and not doing a second "major"? There is one program that might fit your eclectic interests: http://artsci.wustl.edu/~jines/jointdegree.htm In general if you are going to want to teach you will need a teaching certificate in teaching (in the area and age level) you want to teach in. Doing a joint degree will take 2-3 years. Getting a teaching certificate can usually be done in one year. DA
I was a biology major, and switched to sociology, and am minoring in psychology. I hope to grab one more minor before I finish, religion. So I will have my Bachelor's in Sociology, minor in psychology and religion. I will be graduating with a 3.1-3.2. It would have been higher without biology dragging it down. I would have loved to have been a social work and education major, but it didn't work out that way. wasn't meant. I want to do social work and education. I was wondering is there a way I could double major, in social work and education. What jobs are open to me with just a sociology bachelor's? With a social work master's? Eventually if I took a break and wanted to be a middle or high school teacher, how many years of schooling would I need. What kind of degree? Just an education master's. I'm thinking of teaching either english or history, one day.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I'm assuming you are asking about a joint MSW/Med and not doing a second "major"? There is one program that might fit your eclectic interests: http://artsci.wustl.edu/~jines/jointdegree.htm In general if you are going to want to teach you will need a teaching certificate in teaching (in the area and age level) you want to teach in. Doing a joint degree will take 2-3 years. Getting a teaching certificate can usually be done in one year. DA
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
How hard is it to get into a Masters of Education program
How hard is it to get into a Masters of Education program?
What are the admission rates to Grad Schools for a Master's in Education?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Of course they vary greatly among schools, but this program is easier for admission than medical school, for example. If you apply to lots of programs, especially those at lesser-known universities, you will probably be admitted to at least one if you have a good academic record and letters of recommendation. Good luck.
What are the admission rates to Grad Schools for a Master's in Education?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Of course they vary greatly among schools, but this program is easier for admission than medical school, for example. If you apply to lots of programs, especially those at lesser-known universities, you will probably be admitted to at least one if you have a good academic record and letters of recommendation. Good luck.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
If I have a bachelor's degree in liberal arts can I go on to study education for a master's degree
If I have a bachelor's degree in liberal arts can I go on to study education for a master's degree?
I don't know much about how the system works. Since liberal arts doesn't have alot to do with education, is it possible to get admitted into a masters program for education? I want to be a teacher.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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It depends. If you want to teach something in the humanities (English, history, etc.), you should have no problem. You don't necessarily have to major in education to be able to get a master's degree in it later, but schools will want to see that you have some sort of background knowledge of the subject matter you want to teach before they admit you.
Liberal Arts is a very common major for those interested in education.
You should be able to get admitted into a masters program without much trouble. However, some schools might require you to take some extra courses (perhaps undergrad education courses) to fill in some of the gaps that might exist in going from liberal arts to a more specific field. Some schools will probably require extra classes where others won't; it just depends on the admission requirements. However, I don't think you should have any problems getting admitted to a graduate program.
"technically" i think you can......it doesn't matter what your major is to get your masters........but i'd think its unlikely without atleast getting some further schooling in a similar subject area.
I don't know much about how the system works. Since liberal arts doesn't have alot to do with education, is it possible to get admitted into a masters program for education? I want to be a teacher.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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It depends. If you want to teach something in the humanities (English, history, etc.), you should have no problem. You don't necessarily have to major in education to be able to get a master's degree in it later, but schools will want to see that you have some sort of background knowledge of the subject matter you want to teach before they admit you.
Liberal Arts is a very common major for those interested in education.
You should be able to get admitted into a masters program without much trouble. However, some schools might require you to take some extra courses (perhaps undergrad education courses) to fill in some of the gaps that might exist in going from liberal arts to a more specific field. Some schools will probably require extra classes where others won't; it just depends on the admission requirements. However, I don't think you should have any problems getting admitted to a graduate program.
"technically" i think you can......it doesn't matter what your major is to get your masters........but i'd think its unlikely without atleast getting some further schooling in a similar subject area.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Undergrad degree to get for master in higher education administration
Undergrad degree to get for master in higher education administration?
I was wondering what would be the ideal undergraduate degree if I would like get a masters in higher education administration? My eventual goal is to become a registrar for a university
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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People enter higher ed from many different fields. Some of the more traditional ones are psych, soc, and communications but I've seen ones as unique as art and interior design. I'm criminal justice and it's not a combination I've seen from people at the orientations I've been to (I had a psych minor so that's a little more common). Feel free to contact registrars at your school and others and see what advice they give you.
I was wondering what would be the ideal undergraduate degree if I would like get a masters in higher education administration? My eventual goal is to become a registrar for a university
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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People enter higher ed from many different fields. Some of the more traditional ones are psych, soc, and communications but I've seen ones as unique as art and interior design. I'm criminal justice and it's not a combination I've seen from people at the orientations I've been to (I had a psych minor so that's a little more common). Feel free to contact registrars at your school and others and see what advice they give you.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
What are the top 100% online web site colleges for obtaining Master's of Education degree
What are the top 100% online web site colleges for obtaining Master's of Education degree?
I would like to enroll in a 100% online web site Master's program. It needs to be completely online. What colleges are the top 2 for completely online Master's of Education program? Were you happy with everything, the web site, response to your questions to your counselor and personnel at the school? The amount does not matter to me, it is the quality of the program. Thank you. Do online colleges also start their terms at particular times of the year, such as August or January, or can I enroll at any time of the year?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Some times it is difficult to suggest 100 % online website colleges but there are some good reliable websites like http://www.thedegreeexperts.com/dg-education-99.aspx where you may look for online Master's of Education degree program from accredited online universities/colleges. To know more about terms and time for enrollment you need to contact with college administration.
I would like to enroll in a 100% online web site Master's program. It needs to be completely online. What colleges are the top 2 for completely online Master's of Education program? Were you happy with everything, the web site, response to your questions to your counselor and personnel at the school? The amount does not matter to me, it is the quality of the program. Thank you. Do online colleges also start their terms at particular times of the year, such as August or January, or can I enroll at any time of the year?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Some times it is difficult to suggest 100 % online website colleges but there are some good reliable websites like http://www.thedegreeexperts.com/dg-education-99.aspx where you may look for online Master's of Education degree program from accredited online universities/colleges. To know more about terms and time for enrollment you need to contact with college administration.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I have heared after 2009 there will be no free education for master's programmes in Sweden. Is it true
I have heared after 2009 there will be no free education for master's programmes in Sweden. Is it true?
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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It's delayed until 2011 now. http://www.thelocal.se/19410/20090512/ "If the law is passed, current international students would be able to complete their degrees tuition-free. New university students starting in 2011 would have to pay, according to ministry representative Steinwall."
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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It's delayed until 2011 now. http://www.thelocal.se/19410/20090512/ "If the law is passed, current international students would be able to complete their degrees tuition-free. New university students starting in 2011 would have to pay, according to ministry representative Steinwall."
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Which University or Institute in India offers distance education for Master in Social Work
Which University or Institute in India offers distance education for Master in Social Work?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You might try: http://www.webindia123.com/career/socisc... DA
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You might try: http://www.webindia123.com/career/socisc... DA
Monday, January 2, 2012
Can I just master in Special Education
Can I just master in Special Education?
Is it possible to major in History and become a history teacher, then get a Master's in Special Education and also teach special ed? Or do you need to get a Bachelors degree in Special Ed to be certified?
Special Education - 4 Answers
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I think it depends from state to state, and each educational institution. In California, I've found, you generally have to get credentialed in the subject before moving on to your Master's.
in nj you can..in fact it maymake you more hirable at the middle/high school level as you will be highly qualified in history
YES! You can major in anything you like, then get a masters in Special ed and get certified with that masters and teach IN ANY STATE, including california. Check the state where you live, here in Texas once you are certified in anything, like history, all you need to be certified in any other subject ( like special ed) is take the test for that subject and you are certified. You dont have to get an entire degree in something else just to teach it. Usually the masters will be needed when you want to move up in that area. Check with your states department of education. They will be able to answer ALL of your questions.
Yes, you could become a history teacher and then get a Master's in Spec. Ed. As for the certification, you need to see what is required depending on the state you want to teach in.
Is it possible to major in History and become a history teacher, then get a Master's in Special Education and also teach special ed? Or do you need to get a Bachelors degree in Special Ed to be certified?
Special Education - 4 Answers
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I think it depends from state to state, and each educational institution. In California, I've found, you generally have to get credentialed in the subject before moving on to your Master's.
in nj you can..in fact it maymake you more hirable at the middle/high school level as you will be highly qualified in history
YES! You can major in anything you like, then get a masters in Special ed and get certified with that masters and teach IN ANY STATE, including california. Check the state where you live, here in Texas once you are certified in anything, like history, all you need to be certified in any other subject ( like special ed) is take the test for that subject and you are certified. You dont have to get an entire degree in something else just to teach it. Usually the masters will be needed when you want to move up in that area. Check with your states department of education. They will be able to answer ALL of your questions.
Yes, you could become a history teacher and then get a Master's in Spec. Ed. As for the certification, you need to see what is required depending on the state you want to teach in.
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